Welcome to my blog :)

Its like they say Sometimes Love...

Well I say:

Sometimes I Love You...
Sometimes I Love You Not!!!

I love to exist around my own fashion, designs and always outside the box, anything that is art; co-existing with changing someone's look but for it to be there own as well. Being able to rock just about anything, being able to be yourself & having the look you want, also being pretty and happy in your own skin :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

SLC (sex, love, chaos collection)

So I cant help but be excited on my new video now on you tube!

this is SLC
Sometimes Love Couture
and Now Also
Sex, Love, Chaos Collection

It displays the new SLC collection, fashion shirts
All New (tanks, tee's and stylish blouses and more..) 

check out much much more at slcfashion.com